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If the Yang-Mills theory is the answer, what is the question?
Yang-Mills theories play a central role in modern physics and form the basis for the Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles and forces. The SM has been extremely successful and is our current best theory expounding matter and interactions at a fundamental level. In technical terms, interactions in the Standard Model are described by a Yang-Mills theory with the local U(1) SU(2) SU(3) gauge symmetry. The goal of this article is to explain to non-physicists, who wish to learn something about contemporary physics, what this statement means. Since the author is not a physicist either, this is a layman s introduction to Yang-Mills theory. However, given that Yang-Mills theory is a sophisticated mathematical theory, the paper assumes a fair bit of mathematical background. It contains some technical details, albeit largely superficially treated.

Bornological convergences
We study a family of convergences (actually pretopologies) in the hyperspace of a metric space
that are generated by covers of the space. This family includes the Attouch-Wets, Fell, and
Hausdorff metric topologies as well as the lower Vietoris topology.
The unified approach leads to new developments and puts into perspective some classical results.

On set convergences and topologies. Part I - Basics
Vortrag an der Universit t Milano-Bicocca

Migrating from WebLogic 8.1 to 9.0
A case study

Handling Large Database Result Sets
The one-write approach in large-scale applications

Web Services
Zur neuen Technologie m ssen neue Business-Modelle kommen



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Angaben gem. 5 TMG
Betreiber und Kontakt:

Dr. Alois Lechicki
Ottostra e 62
85521 Ottobrunn
Telefonnummer: 0177-9105918
E-Mail-Adresse: lechicki(at)gmx.de


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